Silly questions that are useful to know

 Silly questions that are useful to know

1. what are our brains made of?

our brain

 Brain is a part of our bodies that is absolutely important. Brain is different with the other parts of our bodies , it does not contain muscles and bones. Brain is made of specific cells that are called nerve cell or neuron. Our brain is a bundle of nerve cells with mixing colors between gray, white, and pink. It also has soft texture like tofu, that’s the reason why brain is protected by skull. Normally, the shape of a cell is round or oval, but brain’s cell has different shape. Its shape is like a bulb and attached with nerve fibers. These nerve fibers carry low electric signal that is consist of information about what we feel, what we see, what we’re thinking about, what we touch, and many more…The signal also tells us how  to make a movement and how to do an activity.There’s another kind of cell inside the brain. It’s called “glial cell”. These cells don’t carry electric signal like nerve cell, but its functions are protecting the nerve cells, keeping the nerve cells from moving, removing the malfunctioning cells, and giving nutrition to the other cells.To get further infromations about brain, you can visit this website

 2.Why do we have a pair of thumbs?


The facts are   :

·        The thumb, index finger, and little finger are the only ones which can be straightened easily when the other fingers are bent.
·        Most people cannot bend the upper phalange of their finger, except the thumb.
·        Almost all the people in the world type a message with thumb.
·        Thumbs help us to tighten our grip.

YOu can visit this website, to know lots of thumb

3.  Why is cursor controller called ‘mouse’ ?

first mouse model made by Douglas Angelbart
modern mouse

In 1968, a man, who was called Douglas Angelbart , discovered a special tool to help people controlling their computer. The tool was made of a small wooden beam with a wheel in the bottom of  it.After years later, the shape of the mouse became curvier than before and it had a long cable like a tail. One of the scientists named this tool ‘mouse’.In the next development, the shape became more like a mouse than the first model made by Angelbart. For further informations, please visit this website

4.   Where is alphabet come from?


Alphabet is a batch of letters that are used to arrange a word even a sentence. Thousands years ago, people didn’t know alphabet. To express a feeling or a thought, people used to draw pictures. The Chinese, Babylonians, and Egyptians made complicated symbols.The first alphabet was created by Phoenicians. They made symbols for each sound in their language. Then, these symbols were used by Greeks. They named the first letter in alphabet “alpha”, and for the second letter in alpabhet “beta”. So, “Alphabet” is come from the word “alpha” and “beta”. Years later, Romans used the alphabet and made some small changes inside. And that’s the Alphabet that we use now. To know more about alphabet you can visit this website  

5.Why can we feel hungry?

We all need to eat to give energies for our bodies. All the energies we’ve gotten will be used for moving, studying, thinking, or doing another activities.After the energies are all used, we will feel hungry.  Why can we feel hungry? It is because a substance from our digestion system sends a signal to our brain telling that we need more foods. After that, the nerve fibers in the brain will accept the signal. It is the situation when we call it “hungry”.  The brain will command our body to find food. To get more informations, you can visit this website